Man skal ikke være bekymret for det. Da du er dansker, vil danske regler gælde for dig.
Tyrkiske regler er ikke så meget forskellige end danske regler.
Her er kopi af en mail som jeg har fået fra den Tyrkiske ambassade i Danmark:
Dear Mr. Nia,
Upon your e-mail sent to the Embassy on February 15, 2005, concerning the
Turkish inheritance law, I would like to inform you that according to
Turkish Civil Code article 495, children (biological children and
individuals adopted) of the deceased are one of the compulsory heirs
(together with the surviving spouse and his ascendants, when the deceased
has no descendants) and if the deceased does not have a surviving spouse or
any other voluntary heirs determined by a valid will, all the property is
divided equally between the children of the deceased. If the deceased has a
surviving spouse together with his descendants, the spouse will inherit 1/4th
of the property (Turkish Civil Code article 499⁄1) and the rest will be
divided equally between the children of the deceased.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have more questions.
Yours sincerely,
Makbule Kocak
Legal Counsellor
Turkish Embassy