Hund med til Tyrkiet. Krav!

Flag 01-06-06 ~Et minuts læsning · 186 ord

Hej Peter Jensen.

Det er ikke korrekt hvad du skriver.

1) Tyrkieteksperten tillader hunde op til 7 kg. i kabinen.

2) Det med den gamle blodprøve er ikke aktuelt. Jeg har, på anbefaling af Fødevaredirektoratet spurgt den Tyrkiske Amassade i København hvad kravene er til at tage hund med. De følger herunder:

Travelling with Pets:

10) Danish citizens aspiring to bring along their domestic animals to Turkey, should obtain the following documents:

a) “Special EU Passport for Domestic Animals”

b) an attestation in English issyd either by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration or the relevant veterinary clinic, confirming explicitly the below-given highlights

-all the vaccinations which have been applied to the animal (specifying the dates and types of each vaccination/ex:rabies, interit, hepatitis,etc)

-the actual health condition of the animal (stating that the animal doesn’t carry any contagious disease and therefore there are no objections as to taking the animal abroad)

Please note that the aforesaid attestation must have been obtained within a maximum time of 2 weeks before the start of the journey to Turkey.

Turkish Embassy Counsular Section

(Konsolosluk Subesi)

Vestagervej 16,

2100-Copenhagen Ø.
