Toldregler Tyrkiet

Flag 29-03-10 ~3 minutters læsning · 459 ord

Fra den tyrkiske ambassade i Englands hjemmeside har jeg hentet nedenstående regler. Der står ikke noget om kød- eller andre landbrugsprodukter, men da du ikke må medbringe hverken fjerkræ-, kød- eller mælkeprodukter FRA Tyrkiet må du højst sandsynligt heller ikke bringe dem TIL Tyrkiet.

Når der ikke står at du må, bør du gå ud fra, at du ikke må.

Jeg kan da heller ikke forstå, hvorfor du vil? De tyrkiske produkter er fuldt på højde med de danske, og skulle du være vild med Danablu, og ikke så vild med den tyrkiske blåskimmelost, kan du finde Danablu i de fleste Migros-butikker.

Her er listen over, hvad du må medbringe:

On Entry

• The following items may be brought into the country duty free:

◦ personal effects of the tourist.

◦ one TV, one color pocket TV (maximum 16 cm screen), one TV-tape-radio combination, one video recording camera and 5 video cassettes (blank), 5 records, 5 tape cassettes or compact discs.

◦ one video player, cine-projector (8 mm) and 10 rolls of film (blank), one slide projector.

◦ one pocket computer (maximum main memory capacity Ram 128K Byte), electronic playing devices (without cassette - keyboard).

◦ one transistor radio and portable radio - tape player (its specification to be determined by the Ministry of Finance and Customs), one Walkman or pocket tape recorder, one portable compact disc player.

◦ Binoculars [one pair, except night (vision) binoculars]

◦ harmonica, mandolin, flageole, flute, guitar, and accordion (only one of each type, maximum 3 musical instruments).

◦ personal sports equipment.

◦ necessary medical items.

◦ bicycle, baby buggy, toys.

◦ 200 cigarettes and 50 cigars.

◦ 200 grams of tobacco and 200 cigarette papers, or 50 grams of chewing tobacco or 200 grams of pipe tobacco, or 200 grams of snuff

◦ (In addition to the above allowances, it is possible to purchase 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars, and 500 grams of pipe tobacco from the Turkish Duty Free Shops upon entering the country).

◦ 1.5kg. coffee, 1.5kg. instant coffee, 500 grams of tea.

◦ 1 kilo chocolate and 1 kilo sweets.

◦ 5 (100 cc) or 7 (70 cc) bottles of wines and/or spirits.

◦ five bottles of perfume (120 ml max. each).

◦ one portable typewriter.

◦ one camera with 5 rolls of film.

◦ First aid, and spare parts for the car.

◦ Other items necessary during the journey.

• Valuable items and all items with a value of over $15,000 must be registered in the owner’s passport upon entering Turkey for control upon exit.

• Antiques brought into the country must be registered in the owner’s passport to avoid difficulties on exit.

Sharp instruments (including camping knives) and weapons may not be brought into the country without special permission.
