Undgå handlende børn i Alanya

Flag 09-05-07 ~Et minuts læsning · 206 ord

Ny lov skal beskytte mod børnearbejde i Alanya - bøde på 500 Lira hvis man handler med børn og uautoriserede handlende:

The Municipality Committee adopted 500 Turkish Lira penalty to the ones shopping from the little children and unauthorized street peddlers as well as to the mobile sellers in order to prevent street peddling and compulsory labour of the children.

The Municipality Committee adopted to implement 500 Turkish Lira penalty to the ones shopping from the little children and unauthorized street peddlers as well as to the mobile sellers in order to prevent street peddling and compulsory labour of the children.

In the Committee act it says, “In accordance with the Alanya Municipality Committee approval and article added to the municipal police regulations, shopping from the little children and unauthorized street peddlers will be fined by 500 Turkish Lira so as to prevent street peddling, compulsory children labour and begging in order to regain them to the society.”

The Municipality act will be put on posters in Turkish, English and German and will be circulated to hotels, tourism agencies, Alanya Touristic Operations Association, Turkish Travel Agencies Regional Executive Council and related authorities and such the informing of the tourists and public will be given a start.


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