Om arveret

Flag 08-08-09 ~Et minuts læsning · 116 ord

Jeg har tidligere spurgt om nogen har kendskab til, hvordan arveretten er, hvis en dansk skødehaver af ejendom/lejlighed dør. Vedlagte citat er fra en lokal ejendomsmægler i Tyrkiet.

All I know is that acc to reciprocity between Denmark and Turkey, for the moment, Danish citizens does not have the right to inherit a property in Turkey. This means the portion that is inherited should be declared within 3 months after death to the government and the government will appoint a value and get that portion and probably sell it. This information is quite recent and noon knew anything before some Danish died. The computer system var giving the warning announcement.

Kan nogen bekræftet eller afkræfte ovennævnte.
