Mere Tapu + journalister

Flag 15-03-06 ~3 minutters læsning · 635 ord

Jeg har også fået nyt om skødesituationen, der helt bakker op om, at danskere, derr har søgt 6 måneders opholdstilladelse, kan få skøde.

Vurderingen fra advokatkontoret Ahmed Ergün og sønner klikkes ind.

Nu kan jeg se, at der skydes på de danske journalister - tja, deres rolle har måske ikke været til et 13 tal, men som jeg ser det, er det som at gå efter pusheren i stedet for bagmanden.

Når formanden for boligadvokaterne Henrik Høpner udtaler sig, burde det ikke være nødvendigt at checke andre kilder. Selvfølgelig burde han have forhørt sig hos de tyrkiske myndigheder inden han - af nogen - udtaler sig.

At han så udtaler sig som ekspert på et område, han ikke gider sætte sig ordentligt ind i, og det på foreningens vegne er «uheldigt» (så kan det da ikke siges mere diplomatisk).

Det må være op til medlemmerne af boligadvokaterne at drage konsekvenserne, for han er nok ikke i stand til at gøre det selv.

Så - lad være med at skyde ukritisk på journalisterne!!!!!! og lad os så glæde os over, at usikkerheden omkring mulighederne for at købe en billig bolig i Sydtyrkiet, hvor vejret også i vinterperioden er dejlig mildt, nu er fejet til side.

Her er udredningen:


(To whom concerened)

SUMMARY : Danish citizens can buy property from Turkey if they get 6 months residence permit.

Turkish Riveria is an attractive region for buying property for european people at last years. The law about Real estate acquisition of foreigners was annuled by Turkish Constitution Court because of reciprocity principle. Actually it was a dispute between opposition party and goverment. Real estate acquisition of foreign real and legal persons has been regulated in the article 35 of the Land Registry Law on January 7, 2006. New fundamental principles was regulate with this new law for acquisition real estate of foreign real persons and and trade companies having legal personality and established in foreign countries according to the laws of these countries in Turkey.

Comment of reciprocity principle is very important. Many people comments this subject false. Reciprocity does not mean one to one practice between countries. For example as we saw from Danish press, some jurists in Denmark explained that the fundamentals about Real estate acquisition of Danish people in Turkey will be the same as fundamentals about Real estate acquisition of Turkish people in Turkey. It is not a right comment. It is a more complicated subject. Economical advantages of a country are very important for evaluation of reciprocity principle. Also Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs determined the fundamentals about Real estate acquisition of Danish Citizens. These fundamentals are:

• To get permit from military authority ( This is a general fundamental for all foreigners)

• To get 6 months residence permit.

6 months residence permission doesn’t mean that you have to live here in Turkey for 6 months. People who want to get residence permit can apply in one day and then he/she can go back to Denmark. So you don’t have tos tay in Turkey for taking 6 months residence permit.

So all Danish Citizens can buy apartment from Turkey.

Taking Residence permit is easy for Danish Citizens. Companies are ready about providing service about it like military permit. Persons who want to get residence permit have to come to Turkey. Visa and residence permit are different. So you cannot get residence permit from Turkish Consulate in Denmark.

224 Danish Citizen applied to Title Deed Offices to get title deed. Title Deed Office asked it to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the fundemantals written above were determined.

As a result Danish people can acquire real estate in Turkey.

Yours Respectfully


