Part time job for Scandinavian living in Turkey

Flag 21-10-05 ~Et minuts læsning · 143 ord

We are an Hong Kong / Danish label and Hangtag (for textile) company situated in HK, whom are looking for an Scandinavian person living in Turkey (could be a housewife who has a few hours a week free), and it will basically be a simple task to fulfil - receive parcels, change receiver address, and send them again. («Post office»)

Reason is simple as well… we have an appointed label & Hangtag supplier in Istanbul, and it is not in our interest for this company to know who is our end receiver/user.

We do however have one request to whoever finds this interesting… you must be near your home most of the year, and if out, have someone to take over while away.

Please reply to:

Or Hong Kong Tel. no.: +852 9684 6557

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen

Morten Freksen
